Coplay Borough - Celebrating 150 Years
98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088

Water & Sewer

Coplay Borough Water Service
Northampton Borough Municipal Authority (NBMA) Public Water Service Public water is provided in the Borough of Coplay.
The provider is which invoice directly to the customer. />
For customers of Northampton Borough Municipal Authority:
Office Location/Mailing Address
1 Clear Springs Drive
P.O. Box 0156, Northampton, PA 18067

For billing or service questions: 610-262-6711
For After Hour Emergencies: 610-262-6711

Northampton Borough Municipal Authority (NBMA), formed in 1940, provides water service in the Boroughs of Northampton and North Catasauqua and Allen Township in Northampton County, and the Borough of Coplay, Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township in Lehigh County.

NBMA has approximately 15,000 service connections, 175 miles of pipeline, over 1,000 fire hydrants and serves an average of 3.5 millions gallons of water per day to a population of approximately 50,000. Of NBMA's 15,000 customers, almost 13,700 are residential, and the remaining are commercial, industrial, public and bulk sales customers.

Northampton Borough Municipal Authority has two surface water sources, the primary source is the Lehigh River with additional supply available from the Spring Mill Reservoir.

The Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority (CWSA) operates the sewage service to the entire areas of Coplay and Whitehall, as mandated by agreements with the Council and Commissioners of both municipalities in April 1963.

CWSA owns and operates a collection and conveyance sewage system that consists of manholes, mains, interceptors, pump stations, metering devices and sanitary service laterals originating at the main and terminating at the street curb line or edge of easement whichever is applicable.

It currently services over 13,500 customers with approximately 120 miles of pipe.  Wastewater is conveyed to the Allentown treatment facility where harmful components are removed prior to discharging Into the Lehigh River.  CWSA flows in 2006 were approximately 2,200,000 gallons/day, representing 60% of the 3,700,000 gallon treatment capacity allotted to CWSA by City of Allentown.

The CWSA's articles of incorporation were amended in April 2005 to extend the CWSA jurisdiction to January 20, 2055. This was expedient to the funding requirements of approximately 9.0 million dollars for the current system improvements.  Within the next few years a major construction project will commence to upgrade the Coplay Creek Interceptor from Bridge Street in Egypt to the Eberhart Road Pump Station.

CWSA is overseen by a seven member Authority board, four members are appointed by Whitehall Commissioners and three members are appointed by the Coplay Council.

Who do I call about Sewage or Sewer Problems?
Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority

Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority 2022 Board Members

James Hahn, Chairman
Paul Boyle, Vice Chairman
Paul Gessinger, Secretary
Joseph Bonshak, Treasurer
Joseph Marx, Community Affairs Officer
James Roth, Asst. Secretary
Dennis Wehr, Asst. Treasurer

Meeting Dates
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month.

All meetings begin at 7:30 PM and are held in the Public Meeting room of the CWSA building 3213 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052.

Borough of Coplay
© 2018 Coplay Borough, 98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088